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  • Writer's pictureBlackdragon 12379

Rules and How To Play

Updated: May 24, 2023

Playing Castle Crashers Is simple. All you have to do is decide what teams you would like to start with. Make sure you have even teams and every player hit the button labeled "join team" under what you want to start with. After everyone is ready, someone push the button labeled "Start Game" and the game will commence. The games consists of two stages. The first stage, you will be on the team you chose before the match, stage two, the game will swap sides and now the attackers have to defend and the defenders have to attack.


Gold is acquired by killing players. 5 gold per kill. Gold is used differently by each team, defenders can use it in shops for for traps, and attackers can use it to buy secret passageways.


Points are gained from capturing points as well as defending these locations. The team with the most points after both rounds wins.


The attacking teams job is to storm the castle and capture key points as they go. There are several rooms that are a designated "capture point".

Capture Points

A capture Point is designated by an unlabeled redstone lamp and red concrete surrounding it. pushing there button captures the location for the whole team, but be careful as this will alert all players the room that's been captured. The defenders will know you are in that location and are sure to hunt you down. Each room is worth a different amount of points, so be sure to capture them all.

The main capture point is the Vault, located somewhere in the castle hidden behind a fake wall. walking top to the wall will open the door automatically and let you in. Once you get inside your team will continuously earn points thew whole time someones alive inside the Vault. If you leave or die, you'll stop earning points.

Siege Builds

Siege build locations are designated by a labeled redstone lamp surrounded by red concrete. Signs label what that location does. Most unlock a secret passageway to make it easier to traverse the map.


As the name entails, defend the castle by any means necessary. Unfortunately harsh times have hit the castle (not the kings instinctive hunger for steak) and we don't have the best supplies to defend with. Teamwork will be key in taking down the heathens that are coming.


A few defense traps have been put up in key locations in the main grounds. These will be useful in slowing the approach of the enemies. These are designated by a redstone lamp surrounded by blue concrete.


As our supplies are down for "standard issue" combat gear, a few shops have opened up inside the castle Grounds and the king has decided to sell you his premium weapons. As you collect gold from killing enemies you can upgrade your gear at these shops.

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